Valentine's Day, the perfect day to pay respect to my latest love. So much to say. Such a limited language we have. How do I articulate what I feel? Eclectic yet predictable; creamy yet light; amiable yet strong. What a lovely life partner. All alone, in the company of a few or with many. Sweet, savory, spicy, demure, bold, mild. Smoothies, marinades, sauces, soups, baked goods; condiment, appetizer, main course, side dish, desert or beverage. Swoon. Then the voice in my head said, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways?". I just couldn't resist visiting Elizabeth Barrett Browning's beautifully moving,
How do I love thee?. I was inspired to modify it slightly as a vehicle to pay homage to
il mia amore.
An Ode to Yogurt
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
my smoothies, parfaits and granola can reach, when feeling fresh and light
For the ends of shakes and cheesecakes and an ideal milk substitute when I season, simmer or bake.
I love thee freely, as Greek style in Tzatziki or drizzled with honey, dashed with cinnamon and sprinkled with nuts for a sweet BITE.
I love thee purely, as in marinades and sauces and in stews just a TRACE.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old standards, and with my newly found maestro's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost love of donuts and fast food, --- I love thee with the dollop of my spoon,
the spear of my fork, the spread of my knife! -- and, if Well I do choose,
I shall but love thee better in the next recipe I clip and and remember where I left.
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